The Virtual Ward for Hesperia

"Give name to the tradition that exploits our anger and hate; that bores inadequacy into our hearts. This is the Hesperian Disease.” 


The Virtual Ward for Hesperia is a not-for-profit online platform for text-based philosophical oration occurring once a week.

The Ward's primary focus is anti-exploitation efforts through optimist and humanist messaging.


Q: What is “the Hesperian Disease”?

A: More colloquially known as "doomscrolling" or "ragebaiting" online, what we call the "Hesperian Disease" refers to any form of emotional manipulation for the purposes of private profit.

The disease spreads in a similar fashion to the mechanics of copywriting: a problem is appropriated, exemplified or outright fabricated, the problem is presented to and disseminated among the audience, and a solution that benefits the presenter is provided. Benefits are often monetary but may also take the shape of influence and control, among other forms.

Q: What is a ‘siagon’?

A: A siagon is an official individual representative of the Ward who produces and publishes "exipotic speech." That is to say, philisophical writings that address and critisise the many facets of the Hesperian Disease for the consideration of the public.

Q: Who is Siagon Degare?

A: Siagon Degare is the progenitor of the Virtual Ward and its philosophy. Like all siagons, the name "Degare" is a single-use alias that refers to the virtual vessel created only to share the philosophy of the Ward and encourage critical discussion of the Hesperian Disease.

Q: Is this a church/cult?

A: The Irony of the Ward; A Note on Critical Thinking:

It is worth aknowledging that the Ward imitates the framework and aesthetic of a religious institution: the philisophical orations can be compared to sermons, and the siagons to preachers. Everything is inspired by something else, and the Ward is no exception. That the Ward ironically mimics an institution it seeks to criticise is not a coincidence, but an intentional tongue-in-cheek callback to the problem --> solution paradigm the philosophy of the Ward is based on.

It is also worth aknowledging that the Ward itself follows much of the same pattern it calls attention to. Namely, it identifies a preexisting problem (the Hesperian Disease) and suggests a solution. What separates the Ward from the other institutions it critisizes is that the solution the Ward promotes does not benefit the Ward or anyone involved with it. You cannot pledge allegiance to the Ward. You cannot donate to the Ward. You cannot purchase from the Ward. You cannot privately contact anyone who represents the Ward. The Ward has no control over you. What you take from and do with the Ward's philosophy is completely up to you.

Please always take the messages of the Ward and its representatives with a grain of salt. The philosophy is based on the experiences and worldviews of imperfect individuals; people who are not omnipotent, unbiased, or always able to extract their beliefs from their emotions, and who are subject to evolving opinions. It is the responsibility of every visitor to filter the messages and opinions they are inundated with every day. You are not immune to propaganda, but you can learn to resist it.

Q: How can I join the Ward?

A: In an effort to prevent the Ward from engaging in the exploitative nature it critisises, there is no way to become a member of the Ward. The only official way to interact with the Ward and siagons is through the inquiry form on the "Siagon's Desk" page. No representative of the Ward will ever ask you for donations, identifying information, allegiance, or any other form of support.

Q: How do I become a siagon?

A: Given the completely altruistic intentions of the Ward, is essential that siagons display a very specific personality type and possess no ulterior motives. If it becomes necessary to recruit additional administrative support, this will be done through an extensive interview process.